10 Types of Apps That Can Be Built Using React Native

The humble beginning, evolution and subsequent popularity of React Native is nothing short of inspirational. In 2013, React Native was first built as part of a hackathon project within Facebook and has now become one of the most popular cross platform app development frameworks that is used to build apps for both the Android as well as iOS platforms. 


Acknowledging the benefits of ReactJS and React Native, Facebook released them for open access and the platform has since helped developers build amazing mobile solutions. React Native now has thousands of contributors and has gained worldwide acceptance and acknowledgement in the developer fraternity. Start-ups as well as Fortune 500 companies have built React Native mobile apps. 


React Native mobile apps are some of the most widely used and heavily downloaded apps on the iOS and Android platforms. 


1. Instagram (Social Commerce App)

Though initially developed natively for each platform, Instagram started utilizing React Native app development services to build upon their existing experience by choosing the simplest of tasks – push notifications view, which was originally implemented as WebView. The developers at Instagram did face some initial roadblocks, but with each iteration, development output increased significantly, with anywhere between 85-95% code sharing between their iOS and Android apps. 


2. Facebook (Social App)

The creators of the React Native platform, Facebook initially started investing in this platform to address their internal development requirements. The goal was to replicate all good web development processes in mobile development. Their constant endeavors have resulted in reducing the development time to almost half while providing significant improvements in user experiences especially for cross platform apps. 


3. Skype (Messaging App)

Skype started building an all-new app using React Native in 2017 to address many user issues being faced up to that point in time. This version came with a complete overhaul of multiple features and aspects, right from icons to its overall design, while also adding a few essential functionalities along the way. Microsoft chose to use React Native app development services not only for the mobile version, but also for its desktop version, a telling move that validated the effectiveness of this versatile platform.  


4. Walmart (Retail / E-commerce App)

Walmart’s aspirations have been amply clear for the longest of times – become the largest retailer. With the increasing popularity of e-commerce that had made shopping ridiculously easy for billions and had started eating into the sales numbers of brick-and-mortar stores around the world, the behemoth had no option but to up their game. 


Walmart signaled their intent by rebuilding their e-commerce app built on React Native and this resulted in increased performance on both the iOS and Android platforms that shared almost 95% of their codebase with smooth animations – an important user experience feature.


5. AirBnB (Hospitality App)

Airbnb integrated React Native into their development efforts although their cost to do so was deemed high. But it paid off nevertheless as their ability to reuse the code and many important components was extremely handy and very easy to refactor and build iterations upon.


6. SoundCloud (Music Creation & Community Streaming App)

SoundCloud, an application for creators to reach out to their communities directly was also built using React Native. With no native developers and an aspiration to build an app for both the Android and iOS platforms, SoundCloud turned to React Native and built a successful app with more than 200 million users. 


7. Shine (Mindfulness App)

A mindfulness app that also gives users access to motivational quotes and articles and helps them deal with the vagaries of everyday life. With an initial target within the United States, they preferred launching an app only iOS, but chose to use React Native once they decided expanding their app strategy to include more markets.


8. Uber Eats (Food Delivery App)

The Uber Eats platform is used by three important parties – end customers, delivery partners and catering restaurants, which necessitated the requirement of an additional dashboard for restaurants. Uber openly shared their developmental experience while building these requirements and highlighted the ease-of-use that React Native afforded their development team. 


9. Netflix (Movie Streaming App)

The most popular streaming service in the world leveraged React’s features to overcome performance issues on multiple devices for improved runtime performance, modularity and other user-friendly features.


10. Yeti (Smart Home App)

Just like SoundCloud, the team at Yeti also wanted to build a cross platform app and chose React Native. With significant support from the developer community Yeti designed apps to control multiple home devices using React Native’s modular structure to build each interface. 


You can also build a world class mobile app by leveraging its features afforded by React Native by consulting with the professionals at Smart Sight Innovations

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