Benefits of Multilingual E-commerce Website

Connecting with people has always been easier when you can speak their language. There is a certain familiarity as well as a sense of affinity that people feel when they come across another person who can speak their language. This is true for businesses as well. With a website that offers information in just one language, businesses are limiting their own reach. 


There could be thousands of users on the world wide web that could be looking for products that are sold, but are unable to find it or comprehend the information because it is not presented in a manner that is easily digestible. 


Recent statistics indicate that:

  • 75% of customers choose to buy from websites in their native language 
  • Businesses can connect to 77% of all internet users around the world in their language of choice, just by enabling support for the top ten languages on their website


With the internet, businesses are not confined to geographical borders. Businesses looking for constant improvements in their offerings can look at multi-language assistance as the next step, as this will bring a sea-change in the way customers view such organizations. With such a simple step, businesses can increase their outreach exponentially while also creating additional revenue streams at a fraction of the cost.


Some of the main benefits of having a multilingual website are:


1. Enhanced Customer Base

E-commerce has witnessed a wanton increase in the numbers of users and at a significantly disproportionate rate since the onset of the pandemic. This is true for all regions around the world and from diverse backgrounds, and of course speaking several languages.  

Offering multi-lingual support on your website ecommerce development provides easy access to a wider customer base who may also end up promoting it in their circle for added benefit. 


2. Smart Marketing Tool

Offering local language support brings a certain amount of goodwill, which can lead to spontaneous marketing benefits. Social shares of your website and its offerings in local languages could be a major deciding factor for many other shoppers who base their decisions on such reviews. 

Businesses must also look at this aspect as a personalization feature that they can offer to their larger customer base. While creating a website in multiple languages is not overly expensive, the returns that businesses can get by creating such experiences are more than just financial. Such endeavors help increase customer loyalty that is more beneficial in the long run.


3. Increased Revenue

Research shows that customers are three times more likely to complete a transaction when websites offer products and services in the local language! This is because customers find it so much easier to navigate the website and find what they are looking for. Such custom ecommerce website development helps customers spend time on making important decisions instead of wasting it to figure out the website itself.


4. Out-do Competitors

Irrespective of the type of business you are in, there are always competitors vying for the attention of customers. The simplest and most effective way of getting more customers to your website than others is to speak the language of your customers. This is a minor shift with major consequences. First world countries that see a lot of immigrants from other countries could do well by adding languages that a majority of their immigrants speak. 

Businesses in India by offering websites in multiple local languages can reach out to ten times the normal visitor base. These are huge numbers and will therefore have a substantial impact on business performance.


5. Optimized For Search 

Search engines rate the best content based on what helps users answer the query that they entered. Although search engines do rate other factors such as speed and user experience, relevant content is a critical factor that businesses must focus on to rank higher. 

That said, creating content in multiple languages helps websites rank higher as such websites help users meet their requirements. 

You can build a website that caters to customers all over the world and rake in the profits of having a wide user base by connecting with our experts today.

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