How Do I Choose the Best Way for Building a Mobile App for My Magento Site?

Businesses are on the constant lookout for better alternatives to improve processes and bring cohesion to all organizational aspects including payments and deliveries. This is also the case with e-commerce entities who wish to build end-to-end capabilities on their online store that helps ease purchasing processes. This ensures improved sales and repeat business as well.


Magento, a versatile platform offers multiple functionalities for businesses of all types. Magento web applications can be easily integrated with other services and plug-ins to enable several business processes.


This includes payment integrations, drop shipping, product listings as well as many other sales features that improve sales such as automatic email marketing reminders. Since e-commerce websites built using Magento offer such unique functionalities to businesses, they are an immensely popular choice.


With the increase in mobile commerce, the next natural step for businesses to expand their reach is to make their products available on the go through mobile apps. Organizations are now catering specifically to their mobile app user base by offering them exclusive features.


Building a mobile app for Magento becomes easy as it has an inherent functionality that makes developing and integrating a mobile app with your Magento website seamless.


Mobile apps are the next step as they offer many functionalities, some of which are reduced cart abandonment using features like notification reminders and one-step checkouts. Some key statistics about cart abandonment rates will showcase why this is an important area:


  • Annual losses from shopping cart abandonment around the world are estimated to be around $4 trillion!
  • Experts suggest that out of this, $260 billion is recoverable by implementing simple practices and processes.
  • Users said that the reason for abandonment at the shopping cart stage is due to a slow-loading website 75% of the time.


These are Some of the most important aspects and best practices to keep in mind when building a mobile app for a Magento e-commerce website are:


Real-time Inventory Management

Businesses can track product inventory on the move and also make inventory projections to prepare better for peak seasons as well as downtime. This enables the business to remain one step ahead of all requirements, optimize warehouse and supply chain capabilities and ensure maximum utilization at all times. Mobile apps for Magento help businesses view, add and edit the stock numbers.


Instant Updates

With a magento mobile application, you can get instant updates on all the important operational aspects such as order numbers, stock reports, unusual rises or dip in performance which can help trigger adequate responses for resolutions. Businesses can also create alerts based on specific situations such as location alerts for areas that are prone to inclement weather so that appropriate measures can be taken to overcome any challenges.


These updates can also be designed to automatically trigger email alerts to responsible department heads for further actions, while also proactively sending alerts to customers.


Unified Dashboard

The Magento mobile app builder offers developers extensive control to customize various aspects as per the user’s needs. This includes sales and order reports, stock updates and warehouse details. It also helps businesses manage multiple stores from a single place.


End-to-End Sales Tracking

While a shopping app helps fast track the customer’s purchase cycle, it also provides businesses with a complete overview of the entire sales process, right from the purchase to billing to delivery right up to the dispatch of tax invoices. A detailed report also provides a perspective on the periodic performance of the business.


One-Page Checkout

Checkout processes on websites typically involve multiple steps. This is one of the major reasons for a high cart abandonment rate. Magento offers one-page checkout options that make payments easier for buyers and drastically reduce cart abandonment rates.

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