What are microservices in programming & languages that work best for microservices?

What are microservices in programming & languages that work best for microservicesSynopsis: Today, microservices are increasingly being used as developers work to create larger, more complex applications that are better developed and managed as a combination of smaller services that work together for greater functionality. Various tools are being developed to meet the requirement and build apps using a piece-by-piece method which is less complicated than considering the whole application at one go.

In microservices development, a natural question is which language to choose. A look at microservices, the benefits of using this capability and the languages that work best for microservices can serve as a guide. 

Microservices architecture is an important software trend in programming and can have a profound impact on enterprise IT and lead to the digital transformation of an entire business.

Knowing what microservices are in programming, the difference between microservices and monolithic architecture, the benefits, best language, and much more can clear some doubts.  


What is monolithic architecture?

Know that a monolithic application is built as a unit. Business applications are built in three parts as follows:

  • A database that usually consists of many tables in a relational database management system.
  • A front-side user interface consisting of HTML pages and JavaScript running in the browser.
  • A back-end or server-side application that can handle HTTP requests, perform domain-specific logic, retrieve and update data from a database, and populate HTML views to be sent to the browser.

So, a monolithic architecture is a single execution. To add better changes to the system, a developer must build and deploy an updated version of the server-side application.


What is microservices architecture?

Microservices capabilities are expressed with business-oriented APIs. They encompass a core business capability and implementation of the service. The idea is to:

  • Split your app into sets of smaller, interconnected services rather than creating a single monolithic application.
  • Each microservice is a small application with its hexagonal architecture that includes business logic with various adapters.
  • Some microservices will expose message-based APIs and most services consume APIs provided by other services. Some microservices may use web UI.

Hence, microservices architecture is a better choice for complex, evolving applications composed of different components and services. Their intercommunication and data exchange form a complete application.


Why do you need microservices?

The microservices architecture makes applications easy to scale and fast to develop, enables innovation and accelerates the time to market for new features.

The need for microservices is due to necessity. As apps become larger and more complex, developers need a new development approach. This way, as user needs and requirements grow, they can expand apps quickly.


How do microservices work?

In a microservices architecture, applications are divided into services. Each service runs a unique process and typically manages its different database software. A service can generate alerts, log data, support a user interface (UI), handle user identification or authentication and perform many other functions.

The microservices shift provides development teams with a more decentralized approach to building software. Each service can be rebuilt, isolated, redeployed and independently managed.

Suppose, a program is not generating a report properly. The IT team can detect a problem in a specific service and then test, restart, patch and redeploy that service as needed, independent of other services.


Benefits of using microservices

Amazon, Spotify, Walmart, Twitter and Netflix are some tech companies that have moved to microservices. A microservices framework creates a system that avoids central database constraints and improves business efficiencies. Important benefits include: 


  • Improved data security

Microservices communicate with each other through secure APIs. Teams work in silos to some degree, but there is accountability and connectivity. Data security in software development is handled well in microservices with a tested security solution.


  • Scalability

Microservices are easier to scale than the monolithic method. Developers can scale to specific services rather than an app as a whole and execute tasks and requests with efficiency.


  • Rapid development

Microservices lead to faster development cycles as developers focus on specific services that require deployment or debugging.


  • Better data governance

Microservices allow for accountability while complying with the data governance framework. The monolithic approach takes a holistic approach here which can be problematic for some teams. With microservices, a specific approach leads to compliance.


  • Flexibility

Teams work somewhat independently of each other. So microservices allow different developers to use different programming languages ​​without affecting the overall software development structure. One developer may use Java to code specific app features while another developer may use Golang, Python, or C++.


Languages that work best for microservices

Any programming language can be used to develop microservices architecture. However, it is better to choose the best language for microservices according to your project goals to ensure an efficient development process as desired.



It is a great programming language for microservices with a syntax that makes it easy to read. Furthermore, when working with complex systems, Java provides value in code readability.

All Java frameworks are compatible with microservices architecture. Major frameworks include Spark, Spring Boot, Restlet, DropWizard and more.

In addition, Java provides better connectivity to back-end resources and model components. It also provides a best-in-class user interface (UI). So, for the above reasons, it works as one of the best languages ​​for microservices.



It is a programming language with object-oriented features that help developers write fast, portable programs. Its characteristics focus on the objects and manipulations around these objects.

C++ offers great speed and provides excellent concurrency support. That’s why C++ is especially popular in areas where performance is important. Also, C++’s compile-time and execution time are much faster than most other programming languages.



Good to use and experiment with, it allows developers to write clean indented code. Being an interpreted language, it can quickly achieve ongoing changes. It is known to provide access to build APIs by implementing web protocols such as HTTP and toolkits for remote object discovery and manipulation.

Other features that make Python suitable for building microservices are fast and simple prototyping and adaptability to older languages ​​like PHP. Its unit testing framework and enhanced control capabilities lead to great speed and performance.


Ruby on Rails

It is a popular programming language because of its flexibility, speed of development, scalability and code quality. Furthermore, Ruby is an object-oriented language with great features like support for all major platforms, compatibility with other languages, garbage collection and inheritance.

Over the years, Ruby has demonstrated its reliability and consistently provided great opportunities for products to scale. Due to this, Ruby is considered a language that can be used by startups and large enterprises.



Go, or Golang is preferred today for developing microservices. Go products can handle loads, enabling developers to build apps with heavy-load services. It provides a simple, logical syntax that can be easily understood by other developers.

Great speed and support for concurrency improve the efficiency of using multiple codes and machines. Go comes with a powerful standard library for creating web services. Its modular division allows a microservices architecture to handle the continuous delivery of large and complex apps.


All things considered 

All languages have their advantages and disadvantages. One can use any programming language for developing a microservices architecture. However, to ensure the microservices development process will be hassle-free and as efficient as you want, it’s better to choose a language according to your project goals. 

It is smart to concentrate on choosing the right tool for a certain task along with the language choice. When looking to hire web-based company for microservices development or doing it yourself, make sure you work with the best resources.

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