6 Types of Apps that can be built with Angular

Initially launched in 2010 by Google as AngularJS, Angular is a web application development framework based on Typescript. A completely rewritten version was launched in 2016 – during which it was rechristened as Angular – and the features provided in this relaunch only increased the popularity of the framework that was already extensively in use by developers. 


AngularJS application development is entirely open-source and ideal for individuals as well as corporations who wish to build an enterprise app. The latest version of Angular, V 9.0 was released in February 2020 which uses a new compiler called Ivy, that speeds up the compilation process and improves component testing, which has further strengthened the reputation of Angular development services. This new improved version brings forth a whole new experience in AngularJS web application development. 


Did you know?

  • More than 3,600,000 websites are built on Angular 
  • Over 100,000 skilled professionals work on AngularJS web application development 
  • Angular has over 58,000 stars on GitHub 


Angular is exceptionally popular with application development service providers for the following reasons:

A. Environment:

Angular development services offer a powerful framework in which developers don’t have to install multiple extensions. It has access to a thriving ecosystem and many external tools and components to create powerful applications with exceptional features and exciting UI/UX.


B. Build Progressive Web Apps & Single-Page Apps Seamlessly

Browsers that provide app-like experience are a reality because of the advances made in AngularJS web application development


C. Dependencies

Apps have multiple dependencies to ensure smooth functioning. Angular helps to infuse the necessary tools, components, and solutions without affecting the app’s logic to ensure consistent operation.


D. MVC Architecture 

Angular is built on the MVC architecture in which all enquiries from the app reach the controller, which interacts with a model to prepare the necessary data for the final view. This type of architecture allows isolation of the app’s logic from the user interface and augments data binding as well as the entire development process.


E. Potency of Modules

AngularJS application development services build flawless websites and apps by leveraging modules that link to components, services, and directives that are culpable for specific functionalities, which in turn make development and debugging effortless.


Types of Apps that can be built with Angular 

Considering the benefits that Angular brings along, it can be a smart choice for building dynamic apps, in varied domains. Here are a few examples of apps that can be built using Angular: 


Progressive Web Apps (PWA) 

Progressive Web Apps are the latest in mobile web technology that enable an app-like experience on mobile browsers. PWAs also offer app functionalities such as home screen shortcuts, push notifications etc., and are supported by almost all web browsers.


Mobile Apps 

The frontend code can be reused between web and mobile for faster development and deployment of apps.


Scalable Web Apps 

Scalable web applications are optimized using AngularJS web application development by leveraging its component-based architecture, without affecting the performance of the app. 


Single-Page Applications 

A Single-Page Application (SPA) is a web app in which the UI components interact with browser dynamically by rewriting the current web page with new data. Angular is the preferred choice for developing SPAs because of its data management and routing capabilities. 


Server-Side Rendering 

Angular development services improve app performance with client-side rendering that enables quick page loading and improved user experience. Angular is also preferred for apps with server-side rendering as it improves SEO capabilities, thus providing higher visibility to web apps on search engines. 


Confluence with Animations 

For websites which require enhanced animations, Angular is the preferred choice as it helps developers build perceptive and captivating web designs.


If you are looking for Angular development services to build a mobile app for your business, contact Smart Sight Innovations today for a free quote. 

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