8 Important Backend Web Development Tools

The capabilities and complexities of web development tools have substantially improved ever since the advent of the internet. The added competence that cloud computing has brought to the table is widely considered as the primary reason for the expansion of the SaaS industry. 


The most basic web browsers are enough to accomplish many previously unthought of tasks. That said, the consistently transforming digital ecosystem mandates an equally enterprising attitude from web developers, especially due to the constant evolution in fields such as React Native development services and Java development services


Modern day web developers are adept at wearing multiple hats and many are experts at multiple skills such as UI, UX design, wire-framing, prototyping etc. Such a large area of expertise not only demands the highest aptitudes but also requires access to the best tools for web development. 


Whether businesses are bootstrapping their website or developing a web application, it is imperative to pick the right option for specific needs. What works for one business model might not necessarily work for another. There are plenty of backend development tools and frameworks available to work with as well as a constant stream of newer and better ones. 


While choosing the best tools for web development that suit your operational needs, you must keep in mind that the purpose of tech is to streamline the workflow and not impede it. The one constant question businesses should ask is whether a tool makes their jobs easier?


We list 8 important backend development tools to help you build the ideal tech stack. 


1. Laravel

One of the most popular PHP frameworks, it provides a simple, readable syntax for programmers and keeps them informed with its database agnostic migrations. Using Homestead – Laravel’s own IDE (Integrated Development Environment) – is great for developing robust websites, as it creates encrypted passwords that aren’t saved in plain text. It also supports an extensive documentation environment that is open to Laravel enthusiasts who wish to learn more about this framework. 


2. Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is ideal for those who are just beginning their web development journey. It is a development framework that offers a simple syntax that reduces coding time. With an active developer community there is instant access to a vast library of open-source code. Many corporations like AirBnB, Groupon and Soundcloud use Ruby on Rails. 


3. Apache

A widely used open-source backend development tool that powers around 46% of all websites and connects clients to servers for effective file transfer. Apache offers deep customization and a user-friendly interface, although it is not ideal for websites that encounter high traffic.


4. MongoDB

One of the best tools for web development, MonGoDB is increasingly gaining importance due to the impact of big data (that stores and analyses large swathes of data). MongoDB is a NoSQL database that can store huge volumes of unstructured data by sorting them into documents instead of tables. Developers can build custom websites and use data like demographics, site browsing history to provide a unique visitor experience. 


5. Zend 

We’ve already looked at Laravel, which is a great PHP backend framework. Zend is another PHP backend framework that gives developers access to more than 400 million PHP packages. Some of most renowned PHP development services utilise Zend components independently to create object-oriented web applications. Zend also supports reusable code that PHP development services can then deploy across multiple applications, which is especially useful when they work on simultaneous projects.


6. Redis

Redis is preferred when developers have to handle large database requests and subsequently reduces maintenance costs as well. Developers that provide Java development services use this open-source tool that caches data in a NoSQL database as they are a good match.


7. Django

Django is a Model-View-Template framework based on Python and uses the Convention Over Configuration and DRY patterns. It provides a secure development environment like preventing code execution in the template layer.


8. React Native

One of the most popular JavaScript frameworks that uses a component-based system to build complex UIs. React Native development services are specifically employed to power mobile apps. 


Therefore mentioned tools are some of the many options available to build a robust backend system. You can reach out to us to know more about the best option that suits your business requirements.  


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