What To Know About HTML5 Mobile App Development?

HTML5 Mobile App DevelopmentCreating apps for several platforms can prove to be challenging, and keeping up with programming tools like C#, Xcode, Java, Android APIs and Eclipse is tricky. HTML5, a cross-platform app language, is best suited for such scenarios.


This helps you concentrate on critical aspects such as designing an ideal UI and constructing useful functionalities. HTML5 provides many features including smart streaming audio and video technologies. Mobile apps created using HTML5 can be adjusted for different screen sizes, aspect ratios, resolutions and rules.


What Is HTML5?

HTML5 is the most recent (fifth) version of the widely used HyperText Markup Language and web-transforming technology that makes web pages accessible from both mobile and desktop platforms. Since its inception, HTML5 has been very popular as it gives web browsers the ability to function like desktop applications, both on desktops and on portable devices by using three types of codes:


  • HTML for frameworks
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for presentation
  • JavaScript, used as an application programming interface (API) for creating web pages


HTML5 is open source and eliminates the requirement for additional software tools. You can view films, listen to music, or look up the information you need online. The language is cross-platform, making it usable on any tablet, netbook or smart TV.


Difference Between HTML and HTML5

  • HTML uses complicated character encodings but HTML5 uses more straightforward techniques.
  • HTML does not support audio and video without a flash player. HTML5, on the other hand, uses the <audio> and <video> tags to support audio and video controls.
  • HTML stores temporary data in the browser cache memory, whereas HTML5 provides a variety of storage choices like the web storage system and SQL database.
  • The features that determine a user’s geolocation are not accessible to developers in HTML. When accessing a website in HTML5, the geolocation API helps in determining the user’s position.
  • HTML5 offers drag-and-drop features, but HTML does not.
  • HTML is incapable of handling faulty syntax however HTML5 can.
  • Programming tools like Adobe Flash and VML help support vector graphics while these are part of the default features in HTML5.


Advantages of HTML5 Application Development

  • As almost all modern mobile devices support HTML5, designing applications for various mobile platforms becomes easier.
  • Since HTML5 is open-source, the majority of developers are already familiar with it and regularly use it. This makes updating the software simple without having to submit it again to an app store.
  • Users don’t need to download updates to access content or to use HTML5 mobile apps as they are launched via the web rather than locally saved files.
  • Since HTML5 is a recognized web standard, you can use it to design apps that work with desktop, laptop and mobile browsers for a consistent UX across all devices and needs only one piece of code to be written. This makes them an excellent choice for cross-platform app development.
  • Enterprises use HTML5 to simplify, speed up and lower the cost of creating apps, making it easier to accommodate various devices.
  • Compared to other technologies, HTML5 code writing is simple to master. Businesses can save money if they create apps that are compatible with all operating systems rather than native apps.


Disadvantages of HTML5 Application Development

  • The need to call down data and screen features for each page results in poor performance.
  • Many device-specific functionalities such as near field communication (NFC), bar code readers and cameras, cannot be accessed from browsers, leading to subpar UI.
  • When apps access information online and offline, there’s comparatively less storage or cache capacity.
  • Older browsers like IE will have trouble loading HTML5 content because it’s relatively new and can only be used with contemporary browsers like Chrome (version 61 and above).
  • Managing a website’s responsiveness across many devices can be difficult.
  • Putting important data in local storage is risky as most of the code is cached on the client side, making it readily available and vulnerable.


Best HTML5 Frameworks For Mobile App Development

For a developer still adjusting to HTML5, it is appropriate to begin using ready-made HTML5 frameworks for mobile app development. You can choose from the following HTML5 frameworks:


  • Bootstrap

Bootstrap is used as a foundation by more than 30% of the top 100,000 websites on the internet. Developed by Twitter, it gives developers access to tools to build modern and content-rich web pages.


  • Foundation

Foundation is one of the most dependable and popular responsive front-end frameworks. It can match both specific application needs and modern device performance standards. The main goal is to provide developers the freedom to concentrate on creating mobile-first websites that can later be modified and turned into apps and can be used on larger devices, such as desktops.


  • Skeleton

Skeleton is a straightforward, tidy and responsive CSS framework for HTML5 websites and apps. A clear layout grid, common media queries for your CSS style properties specific to different devices, responsive image elements that scale with the layout grid and a Photoshop Document (PSD) for prototyping your web designs are some noteworthy features of Skeleton.


  • Zebkit

Zebkit provides a wide range of UI elements compatible with popular devices and excels when used in single-page applications.


  • Montage

Montage is an open-source HTML5 framework used to create contemporary apps. The declarative binding feature of the JavaScript framework makes it simple to keep the interface and data of your app in sync. Montage also provides a function called Blueprints that allows you to connect metadata to your app objects simultaneously, and is useful for managing dynamic page elements.


  • Onsen UI

Onsen UI is the most attractive and effective approach to creating mobile and hybrid HTML5 web apps. Since it was developed with the help of web components, developers can quickly begin creating mobile apps by using their existing expertise in HTML syntax.


  • Ionic

Ionic is a framework for creating HTML5 hybrid mobile apps using HTML5. Ionic’s open-source codebase, community and documentation have enabled the creation of numerous websites and mobile apps and made the development environment simple and approachable for both new and seasoned developers.


  • Semantic UI

Semantic is an HTML5 framework that makes use of several UI elements to enable you to create quick and attractive websites. You can utilize it to alter a current layout to better showcase your preferences in design.


  • Zebra

Zebra is an open-source framework for advanced user interfaces that uses HTML5 canvas as the foundation of its graphic features. Zebra’s most notable feature is writing well-structured, maintainable and expandable code based on simple Zebra Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts.

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