Finding the best PHP development framework for web development has always been quite confusing. But of late, the developers have zeroed in on one popular name—Laravel!
It is also not quite rare to find IT professionals and developers mentioning Laravel Web Development Company as their dream company to kickstart their career and engage in the development of the customized web applications and complex websites.
Although there have been many numbers of frameworks that developers have worked on, Laravel managed to become everybody’s favorite in a short span of time for its flexibility and superior functionalities. The speed, easy-to-use syntax and ability to resolve programming problem quickly are the reasons behind the framework being used for all kinds of businesses that are looking to create their own, high-performing web platforms to keep up with the trending online and mobile revolution.
Before we go in-depth about Laravel’s unique features as a renowned development framework, below are some of the simplified explanations listed exclusively for the readers who are non-developers and from non-technical backgrounds:
What is Laravel?
Laravel was created by Taylor Otwell in 2011 to find an alternative to another web development framework called CodeIgniter. After running multiple testing, Laravel was released in July 2011 as an open source, free PHP web framework to aid developers to build web apps and web services by providing the architecture and using sustainable codes.
Till now, Laravel has over 14 versions and Laravel 5.7 is the framework’s latest version which guarantees six months of support to fix bugs and one complete year of security.
Benefits of Using Laravel Framework:
- Lesser Codes and Fewer Error: Laravel is based on a well-fabricated toolbox that aids developers to write lesser codes limiting the scope for errors. This helps developers create web apps and complicated websites without many difficulties and boost their productivity.
- Easy-to-Use: One common thing that all developers agree on Laravel is its easy-to-use feature. That includes easy configuration, customization and easy-to-read migration enabled by its control for database schema. These capabilities allow developers to swiftly make changes to app code base and database blueprint. The framework comes in with a out-of-the-box design packages that can be customized as per business needs and integrate with third-party apps.
- Easy Authorization and Authentication: The Laravel framework provides simple authentication and easier ways to structure authorization logic. Moreover, the development framework also helps developers control the access to all resources to confirm that the web app does not provide access to users that are unauthorized and too insecure resources.
- Great Caching Features: Laravel is equipped to support page, fragment, HTTP and data cache allowing great caching implementation.
- Quick Problem Spotting and Resolution: Laravel framework includes a myriad of test that will be run on a frequent basis to spot problems and resolve them to prevent regressions. It also makes use of a shortcut for regular programming and less repetitive codes, making a developer’s job simple.
- Integrate with Cloud-based Communication Systems: Most of today’s apps and websites of businesses connect with customers and potential audience via emails or SMS. Laravel helps web apps to have local or cloud-based mailing services by shooting emails, notifications, and messages on different communication channels. Laravel also allows web apps to connect with their users through platforms like Slack, Nexmo, etc.
- Shorter Development Cycles: Developers know that the task of building an app or a sophisticated, responsive site can be daunting to ensure customization, superior user experience and include many other features. Laravel offers developers with tutorials, consultations by experts, blogs and libraries that help developers with the needed support and speed up the app development process.
- High Adaptability: Laravel’s flexibility helps app developers to build platforms that can evolve with growing user/customer base and changing requirements. The platform helps create apps that can easily adjust to any changes that the situation warrants.
- Highly Cost-effective: Laravel framework is great for all businesses with different budget structure and does not require too additional resources or investment for updates and customizations of apps and web platforms. It is the best framework that supports scalability and growth needs of businesses at cost-effective rates.
In response to the growing relevance of Laravel as a popular framework in the web app development, many custom application and website development companies are readily deploying it. As per Laravel’s recent statistical data, more than one million websites are its customers and over 136, 290 live websites are using the framework.
The most popular industry verticals include news, technology, online shopping, business, entertainment, and real estate.
Laravel releases its latest versions on the bi-annual basis and keeps the development community updated about the new features and iterations in the releases. The most recent Laravel 5.7 release will reportedly be receiving many security updates until the beginning of the next year.